Simulation Protocol

Protocol to implement LBM for acoustical waves.

Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is a Computational Fluid Dynamis (CFD) originated from Automata Celular Method (LGA) and developed in the 1990’s by Hardy–Pomeau–de Pazzis and Frisch–Hasslacher–Pomeau. Although this method is relatively old, it has become more popular in the last decade between scientists and engineering due to its versatility to parallelize and model several phenomena. Now there are many LBM software (public and private) like Palabos, ProLB, pybm, OpenLB, etc. that implemented optimized codes as well as great visualizations.


This protocol describes how to implement LBM in two and three dimensions with absorbing boundaries walls in simple geometries. The idea is to explore how LBM simulates acoustical waves in rectangular geometries and analyze the data generated with Fourier transform, data processing.

This is just a component of the project Acoustical Instruments., a characterization and acoustic properties study of recorder instrument.



For run c++ code you need g++ compiler. You can download in Linux system running one of the two last lines below, the first one is necessary

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt install build-essential

We suggest a gcc version bigger than 9.0. For Windows system you have to donwload Visaual C++ program and also intall OpenMP library (in Linux system this library comes with the Package).


Python language is used to process and analyze data generated by LBM. The code is written in Python3 but can work in Python2 modifying inputs type. To install it just execute

sudo apt-get python3

Matplotlib, pandas and numpy libraries are necessary, to install it just execute

sudo python install numpy matplotlib pandas


To visualize data three options are evaluated: Gnuplot, ParaView, and OpenCL. The first two options just need its corresponding software, while OpenCL needs FreeGlut library. You can install each one using its corresponding package name

sudo apt-get instal gnuplot
sudo apt-get instal paraview
sudo apt-get instal reeglut3-dev

We recommend using a Linux system to execute the code, or at least a virtual machine, for facility. On Windows system should work it but compile errors can appear.

LBM Code


The LB algorithm implemented here (LBM - BGK operator) has three principal parts (the recipe).

Schematic diagram of LBM steps, the data can be exported in three ways: punctually or with an “area microphone” (t, rho), also obtaining the density function for all the grid (x, y, rho). Exporting all the grid data is slower than using micriphones, this data is used for visualization while microphones data is used to analyze the Fourier spectrum.

Libraries and LBM Variables


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "omp.h"

Lattice and recorder dimensions

For the system dimensions, Lx and Ly are used, while LF is for recorder dimensions. Proportion can be tuned to get bigger system dimensions. The simulation space is a rectangle of dimensions 501x50 while the recorder is 330x14, the units are cells but we chose de conversion 1 cell = 1 mm.

const int proportion = 1;
const int Lx = 501*proportion, Ly = 50*proportion;
const int LFx = 330*(proportion), LFy = 14*(proportion);
const double ke = 0, kF = 1; 
//const double Aperture_x = 2*proportion;
//const double Hole_pos = LFx/3;

The last two commented lines are used to model recorder holes.

<img width=500 src="">

Velocity and weights vectors, dimension and auxiliar constants

Depending on which LBM is used you must define correctly the velocity and weight vectors. Q is the degree of freedom of particles (velocities) and D is the dimension of Lattice, the number of directions to which the particle can stream to, you can find it in the literature.

In this tutorial, a system of 2 dimensions and 5 degrees of freedom is used. This first velocity is the center velocity, where the particle doesn’t move, and the other four are directions that fit to cartesian like axis.

const int Q = 5;
const double W0 = 1.0 / 3;

const double C = 0.5; // C<0.707 celdas/click
const double TresC2 = 3 * C * C;
const double AUX0 = 1 - TresC2 * (1 - W0);

const double tau = 0.5;
const double Utau = 1.0 / tau;
const double UmUtau = 1 - Utau;

Moreover, the LBM use additional constants according to collision operator.


The code is written with object-oriented programming but is not optimized. The class name is LatticeBoltzmann and has four vectors associated: velocity (V), weight (W), density function (F), and new density function (Fnew). Also, some auxiliary functions are defined as well as LBM main functions and data exportation.

class LatticeBoltzmann
  double w[Q];
  int V[2][Q]; // V[0][i]=V_ix,  V[1][i]=V_iy
  double f[Lx][Ly][Q], fnew[Lx][Ly][Q]; // f[ix][iy][i]
  double rho(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew);
  double  Jx(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew);
  double  Jy(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew);
  double  Jz(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew);
  double feq(double rho0, double Jx0, double Jy0, int i);
  void Colide(void);
  void Stream(void);
  void Initialize(double rho0, double Jx0, double Jy0);
  void ImposeField(int t);
  void PrintGrid(const char * NombreArchivo, int t);
  void Print(int t, int ix, int iy, const char * NombreArchivo);
  void Microphone(int t, int ix, int iy, const char * NombreArchivo);


Auxiliar Functions

The velocity and weight vectors are defined according to dimensions of the method. For this tutorial we will use 2 dimensions and 5 velocities.

  w[0] = W0;   w[1] = w[2] = w[3] = w[4] = (1 - W0) / 4.0;
  V[0][0] = 0; V[0][1] = 1;  V[0][2] = 0;  V[0][3] = -1;  V[0][4]=  0;
  V[1][0] = 0; V[1][1] = 0;  V[1][2] = 1;  V[1][3] =  0;  V[1][4]= -1;

Macroscopic quantities: flux, density, and equilibrium density functions

Through the procedure of moment matching one makes an Ansatz for the equilibrium f function by using a weighted series with increasing order of the velocity components, this function is tuned or matched so that the condictions of conservation of mass and momentum are retrieved, which basically assures that we obtain the wave equation at the macroscopic limit

double LatticeBoltzmann::rho(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew){
  int i; double suma = 0;
    for(i=0;i<Q;i++){if(UseNew) suma += fnew[ix][iy][i]; else suma += f[ix][iy][i]; }
  return suma;
double LatticeBoltzmann::Jx(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew){
  int i; double suma;
    for(suma=0,i=0;i<Q;i++){if(UseNew) suma += fnew[ix][iy][i]*V[0][i]; else suma += f[ix][iy][i]*V[0][i]; }
    return suma;
double LatticeBoltzmann::Jy(int ix, int iy, bool UseNew){
  int i; double suma;
  for(suma=0,i=0;i<Q;i++){if(UseNew) suma += fnew[ix][iy][i]*V[1][i]; else suma += f[ix][iy][i]*V[1][i];}
  return suma;
double LatticeBoltzmann::feq(double rho0, double Jx0, double Jy0, int i){
  if(i==0){ return rho0 * AUX0;}
  else{     return w[i] * (TresC2 * rho0 + 3* (V[0][i] *Jx0 + V[1][i] * Jy0));}

Collide function.

This step is called collision because it comes from the collision term of the Boltzmann equation,it updates the distribution functions according to that equation. The code simulates simple holes (commented lines) in the vertical bar but you can play with it and explore new geometries. A huge disadvantage of this code is when many boundary conditions are defined, this decreases run time considerably, for this reason we suggest implementing few walls. The walls absorbe part of waves depending of FKx (FKy) constants, it depends on the type of material.

void LatticeBoltzmann::Colide(void){
  int ix, iy, iz, i; double rho0, Jx0, Jy0;  //for all cell

#pragma omp paralel for
        //Calcular las cantidades macroscópicas
	rho0 = rho(ix, iy, false);  Jx0 = Jx(ix, iy, false);  Jy0 = Jy(ix, iy, false);
	fnew[ix][iy][0] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][0] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, 0);
	//for(i=0; i<Q; i++){ fnew[ix][iy][i] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][i] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, i);}

	//Left flute wall
	if(ix == 20 &&  iy >= Ly/2 - LFy/2 && iy <= Ly/2 + LFy/2 ) {fnew[ix][iy][1] = kF * f[ix][iy][2]; fnew[ix][iy][2] = kF * f[ix][iy][1];}
	else if(ix == Lx - 1 || ix == 1){ fnew[ix][iy][1] = ke * fnew[ix][iy][3]; fnew[ix][iy][3] = ke * fnew[ix][iy][1]; } 
	else{ fnew[ix][iy][1] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][1] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, 1);
    	      fnew[ix][iy][3] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][3] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, 3); }

	//hirizontall fulte walls, the comment lines are the holes
	if(((iy == Ly/2 - LFy/2 && ix >= 20 && ix <= 20 + LFx) || (iy == Ly/2 + LFy/2  &&  ix >= 20 && ix <= 20 + LFx)
	    //&&  not(ix >= 20 + Hole_pos + LFx/3 - Aperture_x/2 && ix <= 20 + Hole_pos + LFx/3 + Aperture_x/2 && iy == Ly/2 + LFy/2)
	    //&&  not(ix >= 20 + Hole_pos - Aperture_x/2 && ix <= 20 + Hole_pos + Aperture_x/2 && iy == Ly/2 + LFy/2)
	  {fnew[ix][iy][4] =  kF * fnew[ix][iy][2]; fnew[ix][iy][4] =  kF * fnew[ix][iy][4];}
	else if(iy == Ly - 2 || iy == 1){ fnew[ix][iy][2] = ke *  f[ix][iy][4]; fnew[ix][iy][4] = ke *  f[ix][iy][2]; } 
	else{ fnew[ix][iy][2] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][2] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, 2);
	      fnew[ix][iy][4] = UmUtau*f[ix][iy][4] + Utau*feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, 4); }

Stream velocities.

At this point the distribution function is updated by the calculations done earlier in the collision step, this mesoscopic movement is done according to the velocity components that are stored for each lattice point in V.

void LatticeBoltzmann::Stream(void){
  #pragma omp paralel for
  for(int ix=0;ix<Lx;ix++)
    for(int iy=0;iy<Ly;iy++)
      for(int i=0;i<Q;i++)	
	//This condition disable lattice periodicity
	if( ix + V[0][i] < Lx && ix + V[0][i] >= 0 && iy + V[1][i] < Ly && iy + V[1][i] >= 0){ 
	  f[(ix+V[0][i]+Lx)%Lx][(iy+V[1][i]+Ly)%Ly][i] = fnew[ix][iy][i];}


In order to give the system an initial state the density functions is initialize.

void LatticeBoltzmann::Initialize(double rho0,double Jx0,double Jy0){
  #pragma omp paralel for
  for(int ix=0;ix<Lx;ix++)
    for(int iy=0;iy<Ly;iy++)
      for(int i=0;i<Q;i++)
	f[ix][iy][i] = feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, i);

Source function

Here we generate an acoustic source, in this case a senosoidal funtion is chosen with a wavelenght of 10 cells, this wavelenght can vary but with extreme values (too high in comparasion with the lattice size )the system fails to reproduce the wave equation.

void LatticeBoltzmann::ImposeField(int t){
  int i, ix, iy; double lambda, omega, rho0, Jx0, Jy0;
  //sin(omega * t), declare initial function variables
  lambda = 10; omega = 2 * M_PI / lambda; ix = 22 ; iy = (Ly) / 2;

  //Initialize macroscopic cuantities
  rho0 = 10 * sin(omega*t); //Source function
  Jx0 = Jx(ix, iy, false);  Jy0 = Jy(ix, iy, false);

  //make a pulse of 500 steps
  //  if(t < 2000){
    fnew[ix][iy][i] = feq(rho0, Jx0, Jy0, i);
    //    }

If you want to test a pulse signal remove the comment in the if condition, also you can have a planar wave (several consecutive points). Furthermore several sources can be defined here, just copy and edit the rho0, Jx0 and Jy0 functions with different coordinates.

Data Exportaton

Export the whole density function of the grid, it is used to visualize wave propagation

void LatticeBoltzmann::PrintGrid(const char * NombreArchivo, int t){
  std::ofstream MiArchivo(NombreArchivo + std::to_string(t));
  double rho0, Jx0, Jy0;
  #pragma omp paralel for
    << "X,Y,rho\n";
  for(int ix=0;ix<Lx;ix++){
    for(int iy=0;iy<Ly;iy++){
        rho0 = rho(ix, iy, false);  //Jx0=Jx(ix,iy,iz,false); Jy0=Jy(ix,iy,iz,false); Jz0=Jz(ix,iy,iz,false);
	MiArchivo << ix << "," << iy << "," << rho0 << '\n';

Export punctual microphone

Here data is stored given a set of coordinates in which to put the microphone, and also the name of the file in which to store it.

void LatticeBoltzmann::Print(int t, int ix, int iy, const char * NombreArchivo){
  double rho0 = rho(ix, iy, false);
  std::ofstream ofs;, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
  ofs << t << ',' << rho0 << '\n';

Export not punctual mirophone

Here the average of pressure in a surrounding area to a given point is stored in a file.

void LatticeBoltzmann::Microphone(int t, int ix, int iy, const char * NombreArchivo){
  double suma = 0; 

  for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++){
    double rho0 = rho(ix + i, iy - 1, false);
    double rho1 = rho(ix + i, iy,     false);
    double rho2 = rho(ix + i, iy + 1, false);

    suma += rho0 + rho1 + rho2;
  suma = suma / 9;
  std::ofstream ofs;, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
  ofs << t << '\t' << suma / 9 << '\n';

The last two the function generates data of density functions vs time, this data can be analized with a Fourier transform.

Main Function

This section contains the lattice boltzmann execution. You can play with tmax value to get a relaxed system

int main(void){
  LatticeBoltzmann Ondas;  
  int t,tmax=1000;

    //print actual step
    std::cout << t << std::endl;

    //Making lattice steps

    //Export microphoes data, time vs pressure
    Ondas.Print(t, Xposition, Yposition, "FileName.dat");

    //Commands to make data animation
    if(t%5 == 0){Ondas.PrintGrid("DataName.csv.", t);}

    //Uncomment to use GNUPLOT animation
    //std::cout << "splot 'Ondas.dat' using 1:2:3  with points palette pointsize 3 pointtype 7 " << std::endl;
  return 0;

You can define new microphones copying Ondas.Print line and evaluating in other position



OpenCL is a powerful tool to visualize data but it is a little complex, moreover the perspective tool, for this reason this protocol does not focus in this software but you can find an example code in this link D2Q5-OpenCL


The usual way to plot data in c++ scripts is with Gnuplot, to make it you have to add this code lines in the previus function in the //Gnuplot commented line, also is necessary create a pipeline between c++ executing and gnuplot. This is done with the same process present in the below gift but changing ‘ time sudo ./a.out* by ‘ time sudo ./a.out gnuplot ‘, this generates a gif with the name pelicula0.
  std::cout << "set terminal gif animate" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set output 'pelicula0.gif'" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set pm3d map; set palette color positive" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set palette defined (-1 \"red\", 0 \"white\", 1 \"blue\")" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set cbrange[-1:1]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set xrange[-1:501]; set yrange[-1:51]; set zrange[-1:1]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set view map scale 1 " << std::endl;

  std::cout << "set view map;  set size ratio .9 " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set object 1 rect from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 back " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "set object 1 rect fc rgb 'black' fillstyle solid 1.0 " << std::endl;

Although Gnuplot is easy to use it does work well for large data set.


This option gives us a the possibility to get a good and interactive visualization, ParaView can read xyz files and plot in two or three dimensions.

Executing Code

Generating Data

To execute the code you first need to download the file from the Acoustical Instruments repository, you can download the complete repository or just the c++ file D2Q5. In the repository you can find other script examples in the Scripts folder of Smulation.

The firs codes execute the c++ file and generate the file a.out, to run it you enter the second line

sudo g++ -fopenmp D2Q5-examples.cpp
time sudo ./a.out
To plot with gnuplot the second line changes to **time sudo ./a.out gnuplot**, this line sends the output data the a.out file to gnupot an plot it, remember uncomment the lines of Gnuplot in the c++ file. The correct file is D2Q5-example-Gnuplot.cpp.

To use OpenCL use the example in D2Q5-OpenCL folder of Scripts, remember that freeglut is necessary. Now the Linux commands are

sudo g++ nlattice.cpp latticeboltzmann.cpp -lGL -lGLU -lglut -fopenmp
time sudo ./a.out

Then a new window will appear, you have to click somewhere.

In the same folder (Scripts) you can find a python LBM unoptimized code D3Q7, it is very slow and doesn’t have a good data visualization but some vtk libraries can be helpful in future works. Here matplotlib and numpy library are used.

Data Visualization

Although Gnuplot is commonly used, ParaView software is more appropriate. It let us plot several dimensional data in different ways and make different analysis, like FT, the bigger problem with it is that is necessary a good computational capacity. OpenCl is another powerful tool but use it is more complicated, nothing intuitive.




Data Analyze

With the data generated by the cpp code using ani any microphone function, you can process the data with Fourier Transform and analyze its spectrum. To make this you will use the python script PlotData that can download or in other case copy to a text editor.

Execute the python code using sudo python (or python3), then enter the direction folder, must start and end with / or an error will occur, and file name.

When the code has finished a new image will appear in the folder with the same name that the data if you want to show image just uncomment the ** () ** line. You will get some image like the following