Results obtained with the birdsongs package for some birds, humman whistles, and frogs audios.

Data Used

The audios used were

Scientific Name Common Name Location Pitch Complexity Animal Comparability*
Zonotrichia Capensis Copeton South America Simple pitch Bird Good
Rhinocryptidae Tapaculos South America
southern Central America.
Medium Bird Good
Mimus Gilvus Sinsonte Central America
eastern South America
Complex Bird Medium
Physalaemus Cuvieri Rana Llorona South America Medium Amphibian  
Humman Whistle Whistle Anywhere Easy-Medium-Complex Human Being  

*It means how good is the quality of synthetic bird songs compared to real samples.


Sounds obtained, the left side is the synthetic birdsong while righ side is real recorded birdsongs.

Ocellated Tapaculo - XC104508
Euphonia Laniirostris - C527995
Zonotrichia capensis - XC11293
Euphonia Laniirostris Crassirostris - C541457

Waveforms and Spectrograms

C527995 C589632 XC11293 C428484 C693679
Waveforms and spectrograms

Parameter Space

C527995 parameter space XC11293 parameter space C428484 parameter space
Motor gestures paths, paths found in the paramter space

Scored Variables

C527995 results C589632 results XC11293 results C428484 results C693679 results
Scored Variables: Fundamental Frequency (FF) and Spectral Content Index (SCI)

Are all the motor gesture curves of Zonotrichia Capensis the same?

Used Audios

Scientific Name XC id Country Location Number of Syllables
Zonotrichia Capensis 11293 Colombia Quebrada la Vieja, Bogota 3
Zonotrichia Capensis 338156 Colombia Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Sede Parque Nacional, Bogotá
Zonotrichia Capensis 462515 Argentina Estancia La Candelaria,
Buenos Aires
Zonotrichia Capensis 391056 Argentina Victoria, Entre Ríos 4
Acropternis orthonyx 428484 Colombia Reserva Rio Blanco,
Aguas de Manizales, Manizales

Whole Audio Sound Wave and Spectrograms

XC11293 - Wave and Sepectrogram XC338156 - Wave and Sepectrogram XC462515 - Wave and Sepectrogram XC391056 - Wave and Sepectrogram XC428484 - Wave and Sepectrogram
Waveforms and spectrograms of whole audio songs

Audio Sounds

XC11293 - Zonotrichia capensis
syllable 1
syllable 2
syllable 3
XC338156 - Zonotrichia capensis
syllable 1
syllable 2
syllable 3
XC462515 - Zonotrichia capensis
syllable 1
syllable 2
syllable 3
syllable 4
XC391056 - Zonotrichia capensis
syllable 1
syllable 2
syllable 3
syllable 4
XC428484 - Ocellated Tapaculo
syllable 1
syllable 2

Waveforms and Spectrograms

XC11293 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 1 XC11293 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 2 XC11293 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 3 XC338156 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 1 XC338156 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 2 XC338156 - Wave and Sepectrogram - syllable 3 XC462515 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 1 XC462515 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 2 XC462515 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 3 XC462515 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 4 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 1 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 2 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 3 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 4 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 1 XC391056 - Wave and Spectrogram - syllable 2
Waveforms and spectrograms

Parameter Space

XC11293 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 1 XC11293 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 2 XC11293 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 3 XC338156 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 1 XC338156 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 2 XC338156 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 3 XC462515 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 1 XC462515 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 2 XC462515 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 3 XC462515 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 4 XC391056 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 1 XC391056 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 2 XC391056 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 3 XC391056 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 4 XC428484 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 1 XC428484 - Motor Gesture Curve - syllable 2
Motor gestures paths, paths found in the paramter space

Scored Variables

XC11293 - Scoring Variables - syllable 1 XC11293 - Scoring Variables - syllable 2 XC11293 - Scoring Variables - syllable 3 XC338156 - Scoring Variables - syllable 1 XC338156 - Scoring Variables - syllable 2 XC338156 - Scoring Variables - syllable 3 XC462515 - Scoring Variables - syllable 1 XC462515 - Scoring Variables - syllable 2 XC462515 - Scoring Variables - syllable 3 XC462515 - Scoring Variables - syllable 4 XC391056 - Scoring Variables - syllable 1 XC391056 - Scoring Variables - syllable 2 XC391056 - Scoring Variables - syllable 3 XC391056 - Scoring Variables - syllable 4 XC428484 - Scoring Variables - syllable 1 XC428484 - Scoring Variables - syllable 2
Scored Variables: Fundamental Frequency (FF) and Spectral Content Index (SCI)

Motor Gestures

Several Zonotrichia Capensis motor gestures

Try birdsongs Package!